We all got up early - eager to get back to the Gorge. We had quite a surprise when we arrived. The rains of the previous evening had raised the level of the water and it was running fast and furious. There was so much sediment in the water I could have been at the Brazos or San Bernard rivers back home.
We tossed a couple of spinners but it was obvious that our fishing was over.
We had the gear and the licenses. We had the flies and the location...
Oh well it's just fishing!
It is a beautiful spot and I'm sure when the weather is right is a great place to fish.
You can't beat the folks at Shannon's - thanks again Jim!
Ken Lockwood - whoever you are - I SHALL RETURN!
Of course the folks at Shannon's are great......
Hi. Came accross this site today - trout fishing. I was amazed by the pics in the pdf they're giving away, so I'm looking for someone who knows if this guy is on the level, before I buy this fly fishing training manual.
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