It was a good decision! I drove through Heber City and headed up Daniels Canyon. As I pulled over at the spot where I wanted to start, another fisherman pulled up and stepped down to the creek. He quickly came back to his car and said there was a hatch going on and that he had already caught a 12" Cutthroat.
I moved up to the next pullout and observed the hatch.
These small reddish brown Mayflies had already come off the water. They were about size 14 red quill. The fish were not rising that I could see and I tried to use the fly rod but the brush was so thick I wasn't doing any good. I remembered the trip Paul and I had made to this spot four years ago and we had good luck using an ultralight spinning rod and a white roostertail spinner. I guess it still works!
I caught several 10-12" cutts and then I saw "the spot". I probably should have gone back for the flyrod since there was enough room here to cast. Doesn't this look like home to a big fish?
This was a nice 15" Cutthroat. What a thrill!
These fish are beautiful and full of fight. I'll be back tomorrow!
Great pictures! It looks like you had fun. Hope you have time to go back today.
Hi there
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See Ya
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Hi. Great site. I'm always looking for fly tying info and sites to recommend to my visitors and I have to say that yours is one of the better ones. Out of time, I'll post again soon.
fly tying
Hi. Great site. I'm always looking for fly fishing info and sites to recommend and I have to say that yours is one of the better ones. I'll post again soon.
fly fishing
Hi. Came accross this site today - fly rods. I believe it's new and I was amazed by the pics in the pdf they're giving away, so I'm looking for recommendations from someone who knows, before I decide on anything from them.
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