The Texas Three Some benefits an after school program for children in Matagorda. The winners must have the heaviest stringer of one trout, one red, and one flounder. There are also cash prizes for the heaviest of each type of fish. We are not "Tournament People" - just a couple of empty-nesters catching some fresh fish to eat and share with our friends.

After lunch, cleaning the fish, and cleaning the boat I paddled out to McNab Lake to search for a hungry redfish. I found one! This guy took a live mullet and gave me a true Texas Sleigh Ride! I may have to rename McNab Lake to L.O.M.G. - Land Of Many Gators. I had a couple of close encounters and saw one nine-footer do a Shamu style belly flop off the bank but for the most part they avoided me and I did likewise.
I doubt that our morning stringer would have won any prizes in the tournament, but I would love to have had the big red to take to the weigh in.