This weekend we took a trip to Abilene to watch Fort Worth Christian compete in the One Act Play competition. It was great to see Robyn and her team.
We decided to stay in Fredericksburg, so on Friday evening I took out the sticks and checked out the creek at Lady Bird Park.

I started with a crayfish pattern on the fly rod and fished below the dam.

There were a lot of Spring Breakers wandering around the park and some kids were throwing rocks into the pool - not the best conditions.

Persistence finally paid off and I had a fish on. Lucky for me my photographer was near by!

I think I may be the first to catch a white crappie on a fly rod using a crayfish pattern!

I also found some willing baby bass with the same crayfish up near the golf course.

I switched over to the WRT on a spinning rig and found a few bigger bass.

The coloration of this one leads me to believe that it has some Guadalupe Bass in him.

Remember - it's not the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog!

I finally found some sunnies. They are not yet on their beds but were willing to hit the WRT.
It was a short lived fishing trip but well worth the time.