On the last day of our week in
Matagorda, we started out by taking a long walk on the beach to look for shells. Stretching your legs along the surf and feeling the salt air is a great way to bring in the day.
Upon returning to the parking area I noticed several different wildflowers.
Beach Morning Glory or "Railroad Vine" looks pretty and the runners help stabilize the dunes.
The Indian Blanket is a showy Texas favorite especially when found in clusters.

The Mexican Hat looks like a cross between a Cattail and a Black-eyed Susan.
After the beach walk, Tracy and I decided to try our luck fishing off one of the small piers that protrude out into the river mouth near the RV park.
Fisherman's View. This is my new Quantum 10' surf rod against a pretty blue sky.
This Blue Crab became bait on one of the surf rods. Split into fourths and fished on the bottom, this is usually a magnet for large black or red drum. (aka Big Uglies or Bull Reds)
The pier didn't yield any action so we opted to head back to the Locks where our success was all but guaranteed.

Every time the horn would blow it was exciting to see what kind of boat would be passing through. We saw every kind of boat including this sailboat motoring through the Locks.

Barges and Tugboats are common and really displace a lot of water which triggers the fish to feed.

This is an undersized
redfish or "Rat Red" as the locals say.

Another nice sized
Gafftopsail Catfish. These guys are slimy!

Sometimes you try to get away from work but reminders are everywhere. Click the Pic and read the signage.
We had planned on eating our evening meal at Spoonbills and after a early supper there was still time for more fishing. I suggested a ride to my favorite pier fishing location which was a short 30 minute ride away. It just so happened that the Braves game was on the radio so we made the trip in short order.
Palacios has a Sonic drive-in so we stopped for a Smoothie before heading out to look for trout under the lights.
The sky was shaping up for this beautiful sunset at the Palacios 1st Street Pier.
We started fishing before dark with shrimp under a popping cork and caught some small yellowtail and sand trout. Soon after the lights came on I switched to the glow shad rigs and found that the Specks were moving in!
We both caught several undersized fish and Tracy finally connected with a 16" keeper. I know there will be fresh grilled trout on the menu soon!
We didn't stay too late and got home in time for a decent night's rest before packing up and heading for home. It was a great week and we both agree that this was one or our best vacations.
For me it was all about simplicity and being together.
Of course the fact that we got to fish every day didn't hurt!