It's the day before Thanksgiving and though the ground ain't muddy, folks are taking a break before supper and Bible study.
I haven't been able to frequent Evans Lake as much as I would like to so this was my chance! I had a couple of hours to test my skills against the wily bass and I intended on getting in some practice on the
Revo baitcaster.
I still find the spinning reels more comfortable but I want to improve my confidence in both.
The lake has healthy weed growth which provides great cover for bait and bass.
I tagged this small fish on the first cast - always a good sign!
The BGW is still effective. I had recently switched from 15lb Suffix mono to 14lb Fireline on the Revo.
I was facing into the wind and quickly realized that I needed to move to where I could cast downwind or I would end up with a major league backlash.
I skirted around the edge and found "green gold" along the weedline.
As I continued along the shoreline I caught several nice fish...

Handful of Fish

Eye-to Eye

Back to Fight Another Day
...and a few more small ones too.

Future Lunker
I found a few nice fat ones as I approached the swimming area. The concrete wall is like a magnet for minnows and baby bluegill and the bigger bass tend to frequent this area looking for a free meal.

Healthy Bass

Along the Wall

Flying Fish
Many of the remaining fish were caught in an opening in the weeds just off the shoreline.

Cruising Lane

Scrappy Fighter

Sunbeams from Heaven
Here is a short video of some bass action. Just click the button and the video will play in the embedded mini player.
I didn't stay until sundown as the dinner bell was ringing but with an approaching cold front the clouds were putting on a real show.

Approaching Thunderheads
Psalm 104:1-3Bless the LORD, O my soul!
O LORD my God, You are very great;
You are clothed with splendor and majesty,
Covering Yourself with light as with a cloak,
Stretching out heaven like a tent curtain.
He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters;
He makes the clouds His chariot...