Most of the readers of this blog know that I have recently acquired a new appreciation for the BWG (big white grub).
I have been using it to catch a variety of bass, panfish and even some saltwater species.
Since I was heading out to Salt Lake city this week I thought I might get to try it on some Snake Creek browns or rainbows.
Tracy and I arrived on Tuesday with enough daylight to take a ride up and over the mountains. Big Cottonwood canyon is home to several ski resorts and a family spot called Silver Lake, one of our favorite places to stretch our legs and enjoy some scenery.
(Photos by Tracy)


Red Squirrel

Meadow Casting

A Silver Lake Brookie
I wish I could say that I caught the brook trout but we found it struggling near the shoreline and I tried (unsuccessfully) to revive it.
After Silver Lake we proceeded up Guardsman Pass which takes you over the nearly 10,000 ft Wasatch Mountains and drops you down into the Heber Valley. This was our first trip over the pass and it was a great time of year to enjoy the wildlife and the first colors of autumn.

Big Bull Moose from about 1/2 mile above.


Wasatch Mountain State Park

Rock Squirrel
We next headed to Snake Creek and I was eager to get a line in the water.
The creek was pretty well clogged with vegetation and I started fishing with the old standby - the white RT.
I had a couple of big swirls on the RT but there was so little open water the spinner barely had a chance to work before getting fouled on the weeds.
I decided to change tactics and try the BWG. I used a 1/32 oz j1ghead on a small grub and struck pay dirt on the second cast.
This nice brown grabbed the grub and wouldn't let go. I had him well hooked and had to slide him over the weeds to bring him to hand. I was a little worried about my 4lb test mono but it held up.
I fished the grub some more and later decided to go back to the RT
This turned out to be a good decision and I caught this small fella in the big pool.
This must have been my day for animal rescue. After being unable to revive the brookie at Silver Lake, I was given another opportunity at Snake Creek. This time it was a magpie that had the misfortune of finding a fishing line and a baited hook that someone had broken off in a tree. Mr. Magpie hooked himself and when we arrived was hanging by the beak and was about done in from struggling to get free.
I was able to reach him with a homemade walking stick that some fisherman had left near the turnstile and got him unhooked. He seemed tired but was able to fly and I think he will probably make it. He may think twice before hitting that suspended Power bait again!
We saw plenty of wildlife at the creek but weren't able to get pictures of most.
We saw mule deer (buck, does, and fawns), a red fox, some sandhill cranes, ducks, and a big hawk. Not bad for 1/2 mile of creek near a busy two-lane.
Tracy did catch this doe and fawn in flight.
It was a memorable evening and I had fish slime on my hands so I was a happy man.
Who knows what the BWG will catch next?