On the road again.
This trip is to Atlantic City, New Jersey to attend a business meeting.
Tracy and I are staying in Bally's on the Boardwalk.

I took this picture for Mrs Bocks

This is a shot of the hotels and casinos from the beach
As luck would have it the
Atlantic City Surf Fishing Derby is scheduled from Sept. 18 through Oct. 29, and you can obtain a pin at the store for a $10 fee which allows you to drive Brigantine Beach in full, including the middle section, as well as the Atlantic City, Ventnor, and Margate beaches.
Stripers blues, fluke, and other fish are being caught in the surf right out in front of the hotel. I could look out the window of our room the 31st floor and see people fishing!
Who knew? I guess I should have checked....
And part of the proceeds go to support the United Way. Talk about a Win-Win!
We did get to see some nice beach scenes and some actual fishermen (and women) with their catches.

Jumbo Seagull

Need help with that?

This husband & wife team were covering all bases.
She was using plugs, and he was using live bait.

Throwing the cast net

Finger mullet & small crabs

Egg case of a skate
Skates mate and lay their peculiar egg capsules, which are sometimes called mermaids' (or sailors') purses, on the seafloor. Most produce the egg capsules in pairs, with a single embryo developing inside each one. After anywhere from several months to two years, the young skate breaks open a weak seam between two of the horns and swims free of the capsule, which may then eventually wash ashore.
Further down the beach we came upon two more fishermen using dead shrimp.

Surf fishing at sundown

Small shark caught in the incoming tide

Time to get off the beach
We had a nice walk and a good night's rest.
When we got up in the morning we were blessed with this beautiful sunrise:
Man's feeble attempts at beauty are no comparison to God's workmanship.