Sunny and windy (I mean the weather).
Evans Lake
Pontoon Boats (not)
UltraLight & Cranky Baby
Largemouth Bass!

Tag ID 14 - AKA "Pierre" W=2.1lb, L=16.0"
I did let Paul try out my new 4wt shorty rod. I think he is hooked!

Fly Fishing, Fly Tying, and Favorite Places. "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
After hatching on the bottom of the stream or pond, this robust larva makes it's way through the ooze and muck of the bottom feeding on zooplankton or microscopic organism's resembling oatmeal or Mapo. This fly is tied on a swimming larva hook with dumbbell eyes and a tail of badger guard hairs. The body is tan Ultra chenille and the false wing is a black hackle from a Boat-tailed Grackle.
The Nymph Stage (AKA The I Can Do What I Want stage)
When the water reaches 65 degrees and the south wind blows at precisely 3 knots, the larva crawl under a rock and are mysteriously converted into the nymph. This pre-adult stage is free swimming and a bit unruly but somehow manages to keep it all together as it feeds along the bank. This fly is tied on a #10 streamer hook with a woodchuck hair tail, badger dubbed body, and an ostrich herl thorax. The legs are Hungarian partridge and the shellback is a mottled turkey feather slip.
The Adult Stage (AKA The Lean & Mean stage)
This first adult stage is sleek and fast moving. Fish have to be ready for this one as it molts from nymph to adult in less than 2 seconds on the surface and immediately heads to the bushes to seek a mate. This fly is known to travel from New England to Texas, California, and Washington state. It is tied in a #4 streamer hook with a silver pheasant feather tail, tinsel body wrapped over a badger underbody. The side wings are teal feathers and the crest is silver pheasant.
The Mature Adult Stage (AKA The Old Man of the Sea stage)
After finding a mate, settling down and raising a family, the Obawana Fly reaches the final stage of the life cycle. It grows into a formidable bite for any fish and while can be a bit grizzled around the edges, it retains it's appeal for fish and fisherman alike. This fly is tied on a #2 hook with a javelin hair tail, clipped deer hair body, furnace hackle wings and a ruby colored silver pheasant crest feather.
The Obawana fly is a necessity for any fly box. Keep a few of each around and you will always be prepared for any fishing situation.